Transfer went well this AM, but not without a stupid-me moment! Thankfully I didn't end up on the toilet again - altho I was told to stop drinking when my stomach got upset, and had to chew 4 TUMS to get it calmed :) But there's nothing like being situated on the bed, having the staff come in to get me prepared - and to be told "um, you left your panties on"! Yep, totally forgot to lose them before going into the room. Had to remove them under the sheet - with everyone watching - and pass them off to Michael to put into his pocket! Anyway, not nearly as embarrassing as the last transfer, but yet another story. Altho, in my defense, I'd had taken my valium by that that's what I blamed it on :)
Anyway, we did an FET and both embies thawed with hardly any degeneration! One had only re-hydrated to 60% but they felt certain it would continue to improve once transferred, the other was 100% and almost perfect :)
So, I am reclined in bed and resting, and praying that these little babies stick & grow!! I'll probably starting peeing on HPT's by Weds - if I can wait that long!!!
Thanks to you all for your well-wishes and prayers!