Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Baby Belly

We've officially hit 12 weeks tomorrow!  AND, I felt some very distinct baby "kicks" today too :)


10w5d - a self portrait while resting on the couch (in my jammies) after my trip to the ER the prior Saturday

In an upright position at the same day, the belly just doesn't look quite as big as the earlier shot!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ultrasound Pics, Weeks 10 and 11

Well, because we went to the emergency room, we had a follow-up with our regular OB-GYN the following Monday.  This was at 10 weeks, 4 days:

This is the most precious ultrasound picture ever!  Our ultrasound tech, Angie, switched the view over to 4D and I was not expecting it!  It looks like it's just rubbing its face after a nap, though I knew by watching the ultrasound that baby was in fact bouncing all over the place; its arms going  back and forth like a little boxer.
This last Monday we went again.  Jenn had some increased spotting Monday morning, after it had stopped for awhile.  So, I got another peek (these are 11 weeks, 4 days):

Not quite as cute as the 10 week picture!  It's because now the bones are really ossifying and are much more visible than at 10 weeks- where the baby's "bones" are mostly cartilidge.  Dr. said everything looks good, and there are many reasons at this point as to why there is spotting.  Personally, I think it's because baby is growing so fast!  

Saturday, October 19, 2013

And I thought this day was over... Another surprise from God

This is a comment from my last blog post:

My name is Marty and I am a stage 4 cancer patient who is very weak. I prayed this morning when I awoke for some way to serve God. Not long after this prayer we got a phone call with the desperate plea for prayer from a valued friend for her unborn child as well as the life of their surrogate. It is amazing to me how true it is when the Apostle Paul says: "Where I am weak He is strong". God shows his strength through weak people and I will tell you that I have a hard time even walking anymore; however when we got this call I knew that this was the answer to MY prayer on serving though my weakness. I can't do much...but I can gather my family and lead a prayer in faith for a friend. We found out later that the baby is good and healthy. THIS DAY ALL glory to GOD for using a weakened vessel to bring glory to HIS name. AMEN

Thank you so much sweet Marty.  You don't realize how awesome you are and how many people have been affected by your great spirit and your mighty fight.  You may feel weak, but your spirit is strong!

It was a .... day

It was a lucky day.
I woke up this morning and went to Kohl's.  I got a great parking space, the third space in the row by one of the doors.  I tried on five tops, and one after another they fit (!) perfectly and were just what I needed.
I bought the most delicious grilled cheese with tomato basil soup.  I put it aside to eat it after I make my awesome pick up of three vanity lights that I found on Woodlands Online.  I'm still pretty sure I paid just a third of what they were worth.  Next to the house where I made the pick up, they were having a garage sale. And what?  Only baby stuff left?  I scored a sweet deal on a diaper genie.  I was so excited, this was my first official baby purchase.

Then Jenn called me.

It was a terrifying day.
She said she had some "disconcerting news."  Her and Michael were on their way to the ER.  She was bleeding bright red blood.  I made it home and sobbed in my car.  I froze.  My neighbor Stacey came over to help me.  I couldn't stop crying and kept thinking "things aren't supposed to be happening like this!"  I was just certain it was a miscarriage.  I had already played the scenario in my head.  Marc got home and we met Jenn and Michael in the Emergency Room.  I know I must have looked panicked.  Marc and I went out into the hall while Jenn changed into a hospital gown.  I was crying again.  Talking helped.  Soon, I went with Jenn to the ultrasound room.

It was a miraculous day.
The ultrasound revealed that baby was fine.  He/ she moved.  I was relieved.  We could see the heart flutter, and this time a flutter at the umbilical cord.  Baby was healthy, growing.  It had been five days since our last ultrasound and this time a spinal cord was evident.  I swear he (she) was sucking its thumb.
Marc and I left soon after.  The doctor said everything looked good, and we will be going to our regular OB on Monday to follow up.

It was a blessed day.
Any day, things can change in an instant.  We have no idea how fragile life is, and how abundantly blessed each and every one of us is.  Our God is holding our lives in His hands.  I don't want to ever forget this.  He blesses us in small ways, like my finding a diaper genie (!), but above all, he blesses us in large ways, like sustaining and growing the life of a tiny baby in the womb.  I want to have a grateful heart... toward God, toward our surrogate Jenn, toward my friends who prayed, and toward the nurses who helped us.  Toward my husband who calmed me, and to my neighbor for being there.  I want to be grateful to the God who fills me... with joy and peace, so that I may overflow with hope.

My friend Karen sent this to me today:
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."  Romans 15:13

Monday, October 14, 2013

First OB Appointment!

Baby R looked perfect with a heartbeat of 188 and measuring at 9w3d (we are officially 9w4d today).  We visited with the NP since Dr R was out of town, and everything is perfect!  

Our next appointment is a loooooooooooooong 3 weeks away.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Our Story in Facebook Messages and Texts

The Beginning

Aug. 17, the weekend before egg retrieval and I was feeling very nervous about the process!

Aug. 20, Trigger Shot, Finally!

Aug. 21, Day After Trigger Shot:

Aug. 21, The Day Before Egg Retrieval

Aug. 22, Retrieval Day

Aug. 26, The Day Before Transfer Day

Aug. 27, Transfer Day!

Sept. 3, Waiting for First Beta

Still waiting for first beta, not seeing much on the home pregnancy tests

Sept. 5, Results of First Beta Test

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Ultrasound #3- 8 Weeks!

Well, we have officially graduated from HIVF (with honors), as baby is looking very good.  He/ she measures 7 weeks 5 days, and has a healthy heartbeat of 170.

It actually looks like a baby!  It was moving around like crazy and it's little heart could clearly be seen pumping!  

Development-wise:  Baby's looking a lot less reptilian than before, it no longer has a tail, but hands and feet are still a little webbed.  It's the size of a large raspberry, and has been growing a millimeter every day.  Taste buds formed this week, along with eyelids, nose, and upper lip.  Kidneys, liver, and stomach have begun to take shape, and the aortic and pulmonary valves are present, giving its heart two chambers.

As part of my Fall decorating: here we are with our little pumpkin!