Sunday, September 29, 2013

Ultrasound #2

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14

So the results of the long-awaited ultrasound #2 were in on Thursday (now three days ago, so I'm sorry this is late).  The baby has a strong heartbeat, Dr. Hickman said everything looked good as far as size, of the baby, of the yolk sac, of everything.  He (she) has a heartbeat of 127 beats per minute, which is very good for this stage.  Baby measures 6 weeks, 5 days, though we are at 7 weeks- but this is perfectly normal as well.  The baby is now twice as big as last week, last week the size of a green pea, this week the size of a blueberry!

Marc and I were very nervous about this appointment.  We didn't even talk much on the way, or the night before.  We knew that if there was no heartbeat, that could be a very bad sign.  There was a huge sigh of relief when the Dr. told us there was a heartbeat, and it was the first thing he told us!

Dr. Hickman let us listen to the heart- which was amazing!  Amazing doesn't even begin to explain the feeling I had, as I was in tears listening to that little heartbeat.  In Greek there is a better word to describe this feeling than "amazing," and I learned about this while I was working on my Bible study the morning of the ultrasound:

In the Book of Acts, when Paul left for his first missionary journey, he landed on the island of Cyprus.  There was a sorcerer who was employed by the governor of the province he was in.  The sorcerer was hindering the faith of the governor, and, as his first miracle, Paul blinded the sorcerer.  In Acts 13:12, it says, "when the (governor) saw what had happened, he believed, for he was amazed at the teaching about the Lord."  The Greek translation for "amazed" means "to knock one out of his senses."

Oh, how we have been "knocked out of our senses" by the work of God!!

Baby's development at seven weeks:

The liver is producing red blood cells until later when the bone marrow will form and take over this role.  Body parts are becoming more specialized, such as the heart and brain.  Even at this early stage, baby has an appendix and a pancreas.  Tooth buds, a palate and a tongue are forming.  Ears are continuing to develop and the baby now has eyelids!  Skin is very thin, and organs can be seen through it.

A closer look at 7 weeks:

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