Monday, January 26, 2009


Ok, I will confess to all of blogdom...I forgot to put my patches on today! AAAHHH!!! Don't panic Allison, they are on now! But, I had intended to put them on this morning after my shower & Lupron shot. But with my day starting out waaaay too early for a Sunday - going to have breakfast with my dad & Betty and sisters, at my sister's house, at 9AM - my "schedule" got all goofed up. I remembered everything else, but, for a change, didn't even glance at my calendar. I just happened to think about the fact that I forgot them a few hours ago. Thankfully there was no set time to adhere the sticky-itchy-lint-collecting patches to my skin, so I have not caused any serious delay to our transfer calendar :) But, considering my "mock cycle"success (where I wore the patches for a 2 week period a few months ago and was given an A+++++ for a quick-building uterine lining), I don't think I have any reason to panic right now.

Thankfully these little things are relatively forgiving...thankfully!

1 comment:

Membership Required said...

take a picture of the patch if you can. This process is so interesting...a lot goes into the making of this child of God. keep up the good work Jennifer little ooops and all.