Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fert Report is in

This is Allison~

I got a call from Barb today letting me know how many fertilized. They originally retrieved 16. Out of those 16, only 8 were mature. Out of those 8, only 4 made it through the fertilization process. So, now those four little embies are growing. When I really sit and think about it, our little potential babies are growing and it really hits me.......please Lord let your will be done and sustain the ones that should be sustained. I know it only takes one good one, but I would be over the moon if we were able to transfer 2 excellent embryos into Jenn. That would be my hope. We'll just see.....

We are on the schedule for a Thursday transfer. Even though, we could get a call Thursday morning saying they are going to wait and do a 5 day transfer, which would be Saturday. We just wait and see and just stay "on call". I guess they go by how the embryos are developing and whether they will get to the blast stage.

So, just some more waiting.......:)

I think the 2 week wait will make me go gray!


Judy said...

Hang in there, Allison!!!!! It will alllllllllll be good!

Esther said...

How exciting--I'm still praying!

Niki said...

I will keep my fingers crossed that your little embabies keep growing strong! Best wishes to you and Jenn on the upcoming transfer! K and I will be here watching from the sidelines cheering you on! :)

Sarah Andrews said...

Hoping and wishing right along with you. Hang in there! Tomorrow is transfer day!

Jaymee said...

i am SO excited for you!!

i also feel horrible that i have been absent around these parts. promise i will do so much better.